2019 Valley of the Sun Road Race
Photos by Snowy Mountain Photography
Yes, we won in working together as a team, in executing the team strategy, in communication with each other and then with celebrating this win together around the dinner table at the end of the day. Sometimes strategy plays out and you don't get the results you want but as a development team hitting our 1st race together we couldn't be more proud of these guys.
The kits are amazing and so easy to see the guys while working the feed zone. Head winds, cross winds and a big break that couldn't seem to work in sync with each other to stay away. The break ended up getting caught and our top 2 guys were Scott McGill in 10th and Evan Bausbacher in 13th.
Like every race the team ends the night with going around and each saying how they thought the race went and what wins and maybe missed opportunities there were. In a road race there is always a break you didn't think would stick or a break that may have stayed away if you and your teammate jumped and went with it. Talking through all these scenarios will help prepare the guys to become smarter racers with quicker instincts in regards to following are creating moves. Also, just like any relationship, communication, trust and respect plays such an important piece in being a good team and this has to be practiced because just training on your bike is not enough.
Tomorrow morning will bring an easy spin in the morning followed by Valley of the Sun, Crit Day in the afternoon!
We moved on from the race and reviewed the plans for visiting Pariac, Barry and the crew at Cyclologic for our bike fits. 4 of the guys that already experienced this amazing scientific critique and adjustment were explaining it to the new guys. Scott described the difference it made for him and how messed up he was on his bike last year, prior to his visit to Cyclologic. Everything from his hips being off and how they fixed this, to how amazing it was coming from never having anyone fit him on his bike. It was unanimous from all of last year's squad at the table, what a huge difference the experience at Cyclologic had and we could not be more grateful for this opportunity. We will fill you in with more about it and pictures on Monday and Tuesday.
Quote of the night :
"If a frog has wings it wouldn't bounce away on its ass"
… Jim Schneider