2018 Redlands Bicycle Classic Stage

Today's Redlands Bicycle Classic Stage 2 was 94.4 miles, 6 laps of a 14.1 mile circuit with a 9.8 mile finish leg. The race started super fast on the first lap which really set the tone for the day. It didn’t really back off from there, as always positioning was critical. Gateway Harley-Davidson Trek Development Team made sure to be up in the first third of the peloton in order to stay out of trouble and to be attentive to moves going up the road. Lap 1 and 2 attacks were flying but nothing stuck. Lap three was very fast and the break of the day went with 4 riders in it, Cullen Easter - The 303 Project, Chris Blevins - Hagens Berman Axeon, Fernando Islas - Aevolo and Jonny Clark - United Health Care. The pace stayed high and kept the breakaway at a minute. The race splintered a few times but kept coming back together on the decent each lap. On the last lap we made sure we were lined up together up the front ready to hit Oak Glen, ready to go. Leading into the climb the team was setting up Dennis Ramirez and Sean Gardner for a good climb. Brett Wachtendorf did a savage pull and to keep the pace high coming into the first critical turn. Scott McGill finished it off with a big pull to position the team. Dennis attacked the group at the bottom of the climb but was marked quickly. The pace stayed high and both Dennis and Sean kept a high pace to finish just behind the lead group. Congratulations to Thomas Revard from Hagens Berman Axeon for taking the win.
The guys are stoked for today's Stage 3 The City of Highland Circuit Race! Stay Tuned...